Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oily Hair????( Ain't nobody got time for dat)


Where the heck have I been???? I have not created a single Blog since January! Ugh, I need to get it together! But trust me, I have a lot to say, and I will be doing that very soon :-) BUT for now, I wanted to just tell you very quickly,  about one of my new favorite products! It will help you stretch your hairstyle and I promise you will love it!!! Now you guys know me, so you know it always comes with a story! So follow me!!!!!

We all have busy lives,and although I love my bi-weekly visits to the salon, sometimes my schedule has permitted me from doing so! Recently I have been working crazy hours, and the nerve of my job to schedule me late on HAIR DAY ( I know, I almost quit) Anyway, I was pissed! So I knew I had to delay my appointment by only a few days!! I looked in the mirror at my choppy bob that I loved 2 weeks ago, and what did I see??? A oily mess!!!! Don't believe me??? Well let me show you!! 
 Oily Mess!!!

Now, I'm not sure how it got like this because i don't even use oil on my hair,But I am pretty sure it came from my oily 5 head! Oh,well it was done and it was nothing I could do! Or maybe it was!

I was watching Tv late one night and I seen this product by Fructis Called High Volume Dry Shampoo. And I kept seeing it Over and over again! So I knew the LORD was saying "My Child, Your hair looks a mess, and I know you have only delayed your appointment by 3 days, but fix that mess" (Yup he did)  I debated on if this would work on my weave and decided I had nothing to lose (besides 6 bucks)  So I ran to my Local Walgreens to pick it up!!  I found it right away, ran home to try it!!! Ok, let me share a secret about me! I am extremely impatient! Once I get focused on something I want and want it NOW! So I skimmed through the directions and this is what happened!
                                          (I am so dramatic)

ALL BAD! It was all white! I was freaking out!!!! What had I done wrong??? Was this product safe for weave!!!!Well it should be, I bought human hair dammit!!!  I grabbed the bottle and read it THIS TIME thoroughly! OOOOOh, I need to comb it through!!!  SO I did so!!! I focused on my bang because that's where the problem area was! So I sprayed and combed and sprayed a little more! Wrapped my Hair and went to sleep!!!!

I woke up for church the next day, hoping for the best!  I removed my my silk scarf and combed my hair down and HONEY!!!!! I was back!!! So full of body (hence the high volume) and oil free!!! It had that shine that it had when I first got it!  I was so impressed!!!!

I love it!!!!! 

The only thing I would suggest is that you spray a little at a time!!! Do not go all crazy l did!  ESPECIALLY with colored hair! My pink and purple streaks needs a little boost, so I sprayed just a light oil sheen and was good to go!!!! Also, I don't know how this would work on your less expensive brands of hair. I can only speak for the kind  I used but I'm sure it will be ok( if not sorry) lol! And you natural ladies, try it too!!! Let me know what you think???? I really love this Product!!!!  I will make sure to keep my closet stocked with it!!!!  Will you try it?????   If so, let me know your views on it!!! 
               Perfect for those "in between" Salon Visits

Ok guys, I am already working on my next blog, and I promise I won't go all AWOL again!!! Love ya and keep being yourselves!!!! (Everyone else is already taken) 

Kellee <3

P.s. My hair was still looking good when I went to the salon! I hated to change it because it looked so renewed!! But I will say I love my new do even more :-)